Tomato Soup

In the world of comfort foods, tomato soup stands out for its rich flavor and versatility. Recently, culinary enthusiasts have taken to transforming this beloved dish into a savory gravy. This innovative twist on a classic soup incorporates the essence of tomatoes, blending them with ingredients that thicken and enrich, creating a versatile and flavorful sauce. Ideal for a variety of dishes, tomato soup gravy has quickly become a favorite among chefs and home cooks alike.

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Tomato Soup

  • Author: recipstep
  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings
  • Diet: Vegetarian


A classic and comforting tomato soup that’s both rich in flavor and incredibly satisfying. Perfect for any season, this soup is a staple that brings warmth and comfort to the table. Its velvety texture and depth of flavor make it a favorite among all age groups.


3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 yellow onion, chopped
6 garlic cloves, minced
2 (28-ounce/794g) cans whole peeled tomatoes
3 cups water or chicken stock (720ml)
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
Salt to taste
¾ cup heavy cream (180ml)
Fresh basil, chopped


Saute Onion and Garlic:
In a large Dutch oven, combine olive oil and butter. Heat over medium heat until the butter is melted.
Add the chopped onion. Cook, stirring frequently, until softened, about 8 minutes.
Stir in the minced garlic and cook for another 5 minutes or until very fragrant and just starting to brown.
Add Tomatoes and Stock:
Add the whole peeled tomatoes to the pot. Swirl the cans with some of the chicken stock to get the rest of the tomato juices and pour into the pot with the remaining stock.
Stir in the granulated sugar and black pepper. Bring to a boil, about 10 minutes.
Reduce the heat to medium-low and continue simmering for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Blend and Season:
Remove from the heat. Using an immersion blender, pulse the soup to break up the tomatoes a bit or until your desired consistency. (Avoid using a high-speed blender as blending olive oil can turn it bitter. Alternatively, mash with a potato masher to break up the tomatoes.)
Taste and add salt, if needed.
Finish and Serve:
Stir in the heavy cream. Serve immediately topped with fresh chopped basil.
Enjoy your delicious homemade tomato soup! 🥄🍲


  • For a creamier soup, add a splash of heavy cream or coconut milk before serving.
  • Adjust the seasoning according to taste, and consider adding a pinch of red pepper flakes for a spicy kick.
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Category: Soup
  • Method: Simmering
  • Cuisine: Global


  • Calories: 150 kcal
  • Sugar: 12g
  • Sodium: 480mg
  • Fat: 7g
  • Carbohydrates: 20g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Protein: 3g

Frequently Asked Questions about Tomato Soup Gravy

1. Can tomato soup gravy be made with canned tomatoes? Yes, you can make tomato soup gravy using canned tomatoes. Many cooks appreciate the convenience and consistency of canned tomatoes, especially when fresh tomatoes are out of season. Just ensure to choose high-quality canned tomatoes for the best flavor.

2. Is tomato soup gravy suitable for vegan diets? Absolutely, tomato soup gravy can be made vegan by using plant-based butter and flour for the roux and ensuring all other ingredients are vegan-friendly. It’s a versatile recipe that can easily adapt to dietary preferences.

3. How long can you store tomato soup gravy? Tomato soup gravy can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4–5 days. For longer storage, it can be frozen for up to 3 months. Thaw in the refrigerator before reheating, and adjust the consistency if necessary.

4. Can tomato soup gravy be used as a pasta sauce? Yes, tomato soup gravy serves as an excellent pasta sauce. Its rich, savory flavor complements a wide range of pasta dishes. You may want to adjust the thickness to your preference for pasta sauces.

5. What are the best herbs to use in tomato soup gravy? Basil, oregano, and thyme are classic herbs that pair well with tomato flavors. However, feel free to experiment with others like rosemary, marjoram, or parsley to suit your taste.

Preparation of the Base

The foundation of tomato soup gravy starts with ripe, juicy tomatoes. Chefs meticulously select the best tomatoes, often opting for varieties known for their sweetness and depth of flavor. These tomatoes are then gently cooked down, allowing them to soften and release their natural juices. To this base, a mélange of aromatic vegetables such as onions, garlic, and carrots is added. These ingredients are sautéed until they reach a state of caramelization, which contributes to the gravy’s rich color and complex taste.

Thickening the Gravy

Achieving the perfect consistency is crucial for the transformation of tomato soup into gravy. To thicken the mixture, a roux is prepared using equal parts butter and flour. Cooked slowly over low heat, the roux reaches a golden color before being incorporated into the simmering tomato base. As the gravy thickens, constant stirring ensures a smooth texture, free of lumps.

Seasoning and Enhancements

Seasoning plays a pivotal role in defining the character of tomato soup gravy. Salt and black pepper are added to taste, along with a selection of herbs like basil, oregano, and thyme, which complement the tomato’s natural flavors. For a hint of warmth and depth, a dash of smoked paprika or a sprinkle of chili flakes may be included. Some recipes also call for a touch of sugar to balance the acidity of the tomatoes, rounding out the overall flavor profile.

Serving Suggestions

Tomato soup gravy shines as a versatile component in numerous dishes. It pairs exceptionally well with roasted meats, adding a layer of tanginess and moisture. In vegetarian cuisine, it serves as a hearty sauce over grilled vegetables or as a base for a rich vegetable bake. Additionally, it can be a novel alternative to traditional pasta sauces, offering a lighter yet equally satisfying option.

Incorporating into Various Cuisines

The adaptability of tomato soup gravy extends beyond traditional Western dishes. In fusion cuisine, it serves as a flavorful addition to tacos, enchiladas, or even as a base for shakshuka, blending cultures and tastes in innovative ways. The simplicity of its ingredients and the ease of preparation make it a universal sauce that enhances a wide array of culinary creations.

Enhancing Health Benefits

Tomato soup gravy not only elevates the taste of dishes but also offers numerous health benefits. Rich in vitamins C and K, tomatoes provide essential nutrients that support overall health. The cooking process concentrates these vitamins, making the gravy a nutritious addition to any meal. Antioxidants like lycopene, found abundantly in tomatoes, contribute to heart health and reduce the risk of certain diseases. By incorporating this gravy into meals, individuals not only enjoy a burst of flavor but also intake beneficial compounds that promote well-being.

Culinary Creativity and Experimentation

The creation of tomato soup gravy encourages culinary creativity and experimentation in the kitchen. Chefs and home cooks alike enjoy the freedom to adjust the thickness, seasonings, and additional ingredients according to their preferences and the demands of the dish. This flexibility allows for endless variations, each bringing a unique twist to the original concept. From experimenting with different types of tomatoes to introducing exotic spices, the possibilities for customization are boundless.

Community and Cultural Impact

As tomato soup gravy gains popularity, it fosters a sense of community among those who appreciate and share food. Cooking forums and social media platforms buzz with discussions about the latest variations and serving ideas, connecting people from diverse backgrounds over their mutual love for food. Moreover, the gravy becomes a medium through which cultures intersect, blending traditional and modern culinary practices. It embodies the idea that food is more than sustenance; it’s a catalyst for connection and cultural exchange.

Sustainability and Local Sourcing

In the preparation of tomato soup gravy, there’s a growing trend towards sustainability and the use of locally sourced ingredients. Conscious cooks prefer tomatoes and herbs from local farmers’ markets or their own gardens, emphasizing the importance of fresh, organic produce. This approach not only ensures the highest quality of ingredients but also supports local economies and reduces the environmental impact associated with long-distance food transport. The focus on sustainability extends to kitchen practices as well, with efforts to minimize waste and use eco-friendly packaging when storing or sharing the gravy.

Tomato Soup

Educational Opportunities

The process of making tomato soup gravy also serves as an educational opportunity for both novice cooks and seasoned chefs. Cooking classes and online tutorials that focus on making the perfect gravy teach valuable skills such as sauce preparation, seasoning balance, and consistency adjustment. Through these educational platforms, individuals gain a deeper understanding of culinary techniques and the science behind cooking, empowering them to explore new recipes and create their own culinary masterpieces.

Innovative Presentation and Plating

The final touch to serving dishes with tomato soup gravy lies in innovative presentation and plating techniques. Chefs artfully drizzle the gravy over dishes, creating visually stunning plates that appeal to the senses even before the first bite. The vibrant red hue of the gravy adds a splash of color, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of meals ranging from simple home-cooked dinners to elaborate restaurant fare. Garnishes such as fresh herbs, edible flowers, or a sprinkle of grated cheese not only add flavor but also elevate the visual presentation, making each dish a work of art.

Pairing with Beverages

Selecting the perfect beverage to accompany meals featuring tomato soup gravy becomes an art in itself. Wine enthusiasts often recommend a light-bodied red wine, such as a Pinot Noir, to complement the acidity and richness of the tomato-based sauce. For non-alcoholic options, a sparkling water with a twist of lemon or a basil-infused lemonade can refresh the palate, balancing the savory notes of the gravy. These beverage pairings enhance the dining experience, creating a harmonious blend of flavors and textures.

Seasonal Variations and Celebrations

Embracing seasonal variations, cooks adapt the tomato soup gravy recipe to include seasonal produce, thereby celebrating the bounty of different times of the year. In the summer, fresh basil and heirloom tomatoes add a burst of flavor, while the autumn harvest brings the addition of roasted root vegetables to the gravy for a heartier version. This seasonal approach not only maximizes the flavor and nutritional content but also aligns with celebrations and holidays, making the gravy a versatile component in festive meals and gatherings.

Engaging the Next Generation

Involving children and the younger generation in the cooking process introduces them to the joys of food preparation and the importance of wholesome, home-cooked meals. Tomato soup gravy, with its simple ingredients and straightforward preparation, serves as an excellent starting point for young chefs. Through hands-on experience, children learn about the source of their food, the value of cooking from scratch, and the fun of experimenting with flavors. This engagement fosters a lifelong appreciation for cooking and encourages healthy eating habits from a young age.

Tomato Soup

Expanding Culinary Horizons

As tomato soup gravy continues to inspire chefs and home cooks, it serves as a testament to the ever-evolving nature of the culinary arts. This simple yet innovative sauce transcends traditional boundaries, encouraging individuals to explore new cuisines and cooking techniques. Whether it’s through incorporating international ingredients or adopting modern cooking methods, the journey of creating and enjoying tomato soup gravy expands culinary horizons, making every meal an adventure.

Leveraging Technology for Recipe Sharing and Innovation

With the rise of digital platforms, sharing and discovering tomato soup gravy recipes has become easier and more interactive. Food bloggers, culinary influencers, and home cooks use social media and cooking apps to share their unique takes on this versatile sauce. Video tutorials, step-by-step photo guides, and online cooking classes offer an engaging way to learn new variations and techniques. This digital exchange fosters a global culinary community where feedback and modifications are welcomed, leading to continuous innovation and improvement of the recipe.

Sustainability Practices in Cooking

Adopting sustainable practices in cooking and sourcing for tomato soup gravy becomes a priority for environmentally conscious individuals. Using locally sourced, organic tomatoes and ingredients reduces the carbon footprint associated with food transportation and supports local agriculture. Moreover, composting vegetable scraps and using recyclable containers for storage demonstrate a commitment to minimizing waste and protecting the environment. These practices not only enhance the quality and flavor of the gravy but also contribute to a healthier planet.

Culinary Competitions and Tomato Soup Gravy

Tomato soup gravy has found its way into culinary competitions, where professional chefs and amateur cooks alike showcase their skills by creating innovative dishes featuring this sauce. These competitions serve as a platform for culinary creativity, highlighting the versatility and adaptability of tomato soup gravy to various cuisines and dietary preferences. Judges and audiences are treated to an array of dishes that redefine traditional uses of tomato soup, celebrating the ingenuity and passion of the culinary community.

The Role of Tomato Soup Gravy in Diet and Nutrition

As part of a balanced diet, tomato soup gravy offers nutritional benefits that cater to health-conscious individuals. The tomatoes used in the gravy are a source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, contributing to heart health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Dietitians and nutritionists often recommend incorporating tomato-based sauces as a way to enhance the nutritional profile of meals without adding excessive calories or fats. This makes tomato soup gravy a preferred option for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle while enjoying flavorful dishes.

Future Trends in Tomato Soup Gravy Cuisine

Looking ahead, the evolution of tomato soup gravy cuisine seems boundless. Chefs and food scientists are experimenting with alternative ingredients and cooking techniques to create gluten-free, vegan, and low-sodium versions of the gravy, making it accessible to a wider audience with dietary restrictions. The incorporation of international flavors and fusion recipes continues to broaden the appeal of tomato soup gravy, positioning it as a global culinary trend. As consumer preferences shift towards healthier, more sustainable food choices, tomato soup gravy stands out as a versatile, nutritious, and eco-friendly option that resonates with the values of modern diners.

Tomato Soup


Tomato soup gravy stands as a testament to culinary creativity and versatility. From its simple beginnings as a comfort food transformation, it has grown into a global cuisine phenomenon, adaptable to various dietary needs and culinary preferences. Its preparation encourages sustainability, community engagement, and nutritional awareness, making it more than just a dish but a movement towards mindful eating and cooking. Whether served with pasta, meat, or vegetables, tomato soup gravy enriches meals with its robust flavor and comforting essence, proving that innovation in the kitchen can lead to delightful and nutritious dining experiences. As we continue to explore and share recipes, tomato soup gravy remains a beloved sauce that brings people together, inviting everyone to savor the richness of flavors and the joy of cooking.

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