Irish Colcannon Potatoes

Are you ready to indulge in a truly comforting dish?

When it comes to comfort food, Irish Colcannon potatoes are in a league of their own. This traditional recipe combines creamy mashed potatoes, sautéed cabbage or kale, and a rich blend of butter and spices to create a dish that warms both the body and the soul.

But what is the story behind this beloved Irish comfort dish? How did it become such a staple during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations? And what are the secrets to making the perfect Colcannon at home?

In this article, I will take you on a journey through the origins and variations of Irish Colcannon. We’ll dive into the history of this dish, explore its traditional recipe, and even discover some modern twists that will elevate your Colcannon game. Along the way, you’ll uncover tips and tricks for making the perfect Colcannon, learn about its health benefits, and discover exciting serving and pairing suggestions.

So, get ready to tantalize your taste buds and embark on a culinary adventure as we delve into the delightful world of Irish Colcannon!

Irish Colcannon Potatoes

Key Takeaways:

  • Irish Colcannon is a comforting and hearty dish made with mashed potatoes and sautéed cabbage or kale.
  • It has a long history in Irish cuisine and is particularly popular during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.
  • The traditional recipe includes potatoes, cabbage, butter, and spices, but there are many variations and modern twists to explore.
  • Irish Colcannon pairs well with a variety of main courses and can be enjoyed as a side or as a vegetarian main dish.
  • It offers health benefits due to the vitamin and mineral content of potatoes and cabbage, but should be consumed in moderation due to the high saturated fat content of butter and cream.

The Origins of Irish Colcannon

Colcannon, a beloved comfort food in Irish cuisine, traces its roots back to the 18th century. This traditional dish originated as a humble meal made with simple and inexpensive ingredients, namely potatoes and cabbage. The rural Irish population, in particular, embraced colcannon as a staple food due to its affordability and availability.

Colcannon’s popularity soared during the Halloween season, when it became a customary dish served at festive gatherings. According to folklore, charms or coins were hidden within the colcannon, and those lucky enough to find them would receive good fortune.

Today, Irish colcannon has transcended its historical origins and has gained widespread popularity as a comforting and delicious dish. Its creamy mashed potatoes, combined with sautéed cabbage or kale, evoke a sense of nostalgia and warmth.

Traditional Irish Colcannon Recipe

Are you ready to dive into the traditional flavors of Ireland? Look no further than this classic recipe for Irish Colcannon! Made with simple, wholesome ingredients, this dish combines creamy mashed potatoes, sautéed cabbage, and crispy bacon for a delightful taste experience. Follow the instructions below to create your own comforting bowl of Colcannon.

Gather Your Ingredients:

Ingredients Quantity
Russet Potatoes 2 pounds
Yukon Gold Potatoes 2 pounds
Unsalted Butter 1/2 cup
Heavy Cream or Whole Milk 1/2 cup
Sweet Yellow Onion 1 large
Green Cabbage 1/2 head (medium-sized)
Crispy Cooked Bacon 6 slices
Salt To taste
Black Pepper To taste

Optional: Additional butter for serving


  1. Peel and cut the potatoes into chunks. Place them in a large pot of salted water and bring to a boil. Cook until the potatoes are fork-tender, then drain.
  2. In a separate skillet, cook the bacon until crispy. Set the bacon aside to cool, then crumble it into small pieces.
  3. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and shred the cabbage.
  4. In the same skillet used to cook the bacon, sauté the onion and cabbage in the bacon fat until the vegetables are tender.
  5. In a large bowl, mash the cooked potatoes with butter and cream until smooth and creamy.
  6. Add the sautéed onion and cabbage mixture to the mashed potatoes. Mix well to combine.
  7. Stir in the crumbled bacon, and season with salt and black pepper to taste.
  8. Transfer the Colcannon to a serving dish, and if desired, top with additional butter.
  9. Serve the Colcannon hot and enjoy!

Now that you have the traditional Irish Colcannon recipe, it’s time to bring a taste of Ireland to your table. Gather your ingredients, follow the step-by-step instructions, and savor the flavors of this hearty and comforting dish. Sláinte!

Traditional Colcannon Recipe

Variations of Irish Colcannon

While the traditional Irish Colcannon recipe includes potatoes, cabbage, and bacon, there are several variations of this dish that incorporate different ingredients. Some recipes use kale or chard instead of cabbage, while others add leeks or scallions for extra flavor.

For those looking for vegetarian options, Colcannon can be made by omitting the bacon and using vegetable broth or olive oil instead. This creates a lighter, plant-based version that is still packed with flavor.

For those who want to add a modern twist to the traditional recipe, there are variations that incorporate ingredients like cheese or roasted garlic. These additions bring an extra level of richness and depth to the dish, making it even more memorable.

No matter which variation you choose, Colcannon is a versatile dish that can be customized to suit your taste preferences. Experiment with different ingredients and flavors to create a Colcannon recipe that is uniquely your own.

Colcannon variations

Common Variations of Irish Colcannon

Variation Alternative Ingredients
Kale Colcannon Replace cabbage with kale
Chard Colcannon Replace cabbage with chard
Leek Colcannon Add leeks for extra flavor
Scallion Colcannon Add scallions for a fresh taste

Serving and Pairing Suggestions

Irish Colcannon is a versatile dish that can be served in various ways. It can be enjoyed as a side dish or take center stage as a main course. The rich and creamy flavors of Colcannon pair perfectly with a variety of proteins, making it a delicious accompaniment to any meal.

For a hearty main course, serve Colcannon alongside succulent roast beef, juicy roasted chicken, or flavorful grilled sausages. The creamy mashed potatoes and savory cabbage complement the meat, creating a satisfying and comforting meal.

On St. Patrick’s Day, a traditional feast wouldn’t be complete without Colcannon. Pair it with tender corned beef and cabbage to celebrate the Irish heritage and indulge in a truly authentic meal.

If you prefer a vegetarian option, Colcannon is delicious on its own as a comforting and filling dish. The combination of creamy mashed potatoes and sautéed cabbage provides a satisfying and nutritious meal that can stand alone as a vegetarian entrée.

When serving Colcannon, don’t forget to garnish with a pat of melted butter and a sprinkle of black pepper for added richness and flavor.

Whether as a side or a main course, Colcannon is sure to delight your taste buds with its creamy texture and savory flavors. Enjoy this traditional Irish dish on St. Patrick’s Day or any time you’re craving a comforting meal.

Tips and Tricks for Making the Perfect Colcannon

When it comes to creating the perfect Irish Colcannon, these cooking tips and tricks will ensure that your dish is a flavorful success. Follow these steps to elevate your Colcannon game:

1. Choose the Right Potatoes

For the creamiest mashed potatoes, opt for starchy varieties like Russets or Yukon Golds. These potatoes have a fluffy texture that will give your Colcannon a melt-in-your-mouth goodness.

2. Cook the Bacon Separately

To achieve perfectly crispy bacon, cook it separately from the other ingredients. This way, you can control the cooking time and ensure that it retains its texture when added to the Colcannon.

3. Sauté the Cabbage and Onion in Bacon Fat

For an extra boost of flavor, reserve some of the bacon fat and use it to sauté the cabbage and onion. The smoky undertones from the bacon fat will infuse the Colcannon with richness and depth.

4. Get Creative with Greens

While cabbage is the traditional choice for Colcannon, don’t be afraid to experiment with different greens. Kale or chard can be used as delicious alternatives, adding their own unique flavors and textures to the dish.

5. Storage and Reheating

If you have leftovers, store them in the refrigerator for up to three days. To retain the creamy texture, reheat the Colcannon in the microwave or on the stovetop with a little extra butter or cream.

With these helpful tips and tricks, you’ll be well-equipped to create the perfect Irish Colcannon. Enjoy the satisfying combination of creamy mashed potatoes, flavorful cabbage, and crispy bacon, or put your own twist on this traditional dish using alternative ingredients. Let your culinary creativity shine as you delve into the comforting flavors of Colcannon.

Health Benefits of Irish Colcannon

Despite its indulgent flavors, Irish Colcannon provides several health benefits due to its nutritious ingredients. Let’s take a closer look:

1. Vitamins and Minerals from Potatoes

Potatoes, a key ingredient in Irish Colcannon, are a good source of essential nutrients. They are rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system and promotes collagen production for healthy skin. Potatoes also contain potassium, which is important for maintaining proper heart function, and fiber, which aids digestion.

2. Nutrient-Rich Cabbage and Kale

Irish Colcannon is often made with cabbage or kale, both of which provide additional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These greens contribute to a healthy immune system, support bone health, and offer anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Portion Control and Balanced Eating

While Irish Colcannon can be a nutritious dish, it’s important to consume it in moderation. The addition of butter and cream, although adding richness to the flavor, should be enjoyed in controlled amounts due to their high saturated fat content. Balancing the portion size of Irish Colcannon with other nutritious foods is key to maintaining a well-rounded and healthy diet.

Overall, Irish Colcannon can be a part of a wholesome and balanced eating plan. By incorporating nutrient-rich ingredients and practicing portion control, you can enjoy the health benefits of this traditional Irish dish.

Health Benefits Nutrition
Vitamin C Boosts the immune system and promotes collagen production for healthy skin
Potassium Supports proper heart function
Fiber Aids digestion
Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants from Cabbage and Kale Contribute to a healthy immune system, support bone health, and offer anti-inflammatory properties
Portion Control and Balanced Eating Eating Irish Colcannon in moderation and balancing it with other nutritious foods


Irish Colcannon is a comforting and flavorful dish that perfectly captures the essence of Irish tradition and culinary heritage. The combination of creamy mashed potatoes and the earthy flavors of cabbage or kale creates a delightful and satisfying experience for the taste buds. Whether you’re celebrating St. Patrick’s Day or simply looking for a hearty side dish, Colcannon is a versatile option that can be enjoyed year-round.

With its simple ingredients and easy preparation, Colcannon is a recipe that can be embraced by cooks of all skill levels. The creamy texture and savory flavors make it an instant crowd-pleaser. So why not try your hand at making this classic Irish dish? You’ll be rewarded with a plateful of comfort and nostalgia.

As you delve into the world of Irish Colcannon, feel free to explore variations that suit your taste preferences. From alternative greens like kale or chard to vegetarian options without bacon, there are countless ways to put your own unique spin on this beloved dish.

In conclusion, Irish Colcannon offers a warm and comforting taste of Irish cuisine. Its rich history, simple preparation, and delicious flavors make it a beloved dish that has withstood the test of time. So gather your ingredients, roll up your sleeves, and let the creamy goodness of Colcannon transport you to the heart of Ireland.


What is Irish Colcannon?

Irish Colcannon is a traditional Irish dish made with creamy mashed potatoes, sautéed cabbage or kale, and seasoned with butter and spices. It is a hearty and comforting dish that is often enjoyed during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.

When did Irish Colcannon originate?

Irish Colcannon is believed to have originated in the 18th century and was traditionally made with simple and affordable ingredients, such as potatoes and cabbage.

What are the ingredients for traditional Irish Colcannon?

The ingredients for traditional Irish Colcannon include russet and Yukon Gold potatoes, unsalted butter, heavy cream or whole milk, sweet yellow onion, green cabbage, crispy cooked bacon, salt, and black pepper.

Can I make vegetarian Colcannon?

Yes, you can make vegetarian Colcannon by omitting the bacon and using vegetable broth or olive oil instead.

How can I store leftover Colcannon?

Leftover Colcannon can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days or frozen for up to three months. Reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop with a little extra butter or cream to restore the creamy texture.

What are some tips for making the perfect Irish Colcannon?

Some tips for making the perfect Irish Colcannon include using starchy potatoes for the creamiest mashed potatoes, cooking the bacon separately to ensure it becomes crispy, sautéing the cabbage and onion in bacon fat for added flavor, and experimenting with different greens for a unique twist on the traditional recipe.

What are the health benefits of Irish Colcannon?

Irish Colcannon offers health benefits as potatoes are a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Cabbage and kale add additional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to the dish. However, the addition of butter and cream should be consumed in moderation due to their high saturated fat content.

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Irish Colcannon Potatoes

Irish Colcannon Potatoes

  • Author: recipstep
  • Total Time: 41 minute
  • Yield: 6 servings
  • Diet: Vegetarian


Irish Colcannon Potatoes is a traditional Irish dish made with mashed potatoes, cabbage or kale, and butter, creating a comforting and flavorful side dish.


| – 2 lbs potatoes (such as russet or Yukon Gold), peeled and diced | – 4 cups chopped cabbage or kale | – 1/2 cup milk or cream | – 4 tablespoons butter | – Salt and pepper, to taste | – Chopped fresh parsley (for garnish, optional) |


| 1. Place the diced potatoes in a large pot and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil over high heat and cook until tender, about 15-20 minutes. | 2. In a separate pot, bring water to a boil and add the chopped cabbage or kale. Cook until tender, about 5-7 minutes. Drain and set aside. | 3. Once the potatoes are cooked, drain them and return them to the pot. | 4. Add the butter and milk or cream to the pot with the potatoes. Mash until smooth and creamy. | 5. Stir in the cooked cabbage or kale until well combined. | 6. Season with salt and pepper to taste. | 7. Transfer the colcannon potatoes to a serving dish and garnish with chopped parsley if desired. | 8. Serve hot alongside your favorite main dish. | 9. Enjoy your delicious Irish Colcannon Potatoes! |


For a richer flavor, you can sauté finely chopped onions in butter and mix them into the mashed potatoes along with the cabbage or kale.


  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 25-30 minutes
  • Category: Side Dish
  • Method: Boiling, Mashing
  • Cuisine: Irish


  • Calories: 200 kcal
  • Sugar: 3g
  • Sodium: 85mg
  • Fat: 9g
  • Saturated Fat: 6g
  • Carbohydrates: 27g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Cholesterol: 25mg

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